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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mozilla: Firefox 7 Better Memory Management

Mozilla releases the latest version of a million followers browser , namely Mozilla Firefox 7. In the latest version of Mozilla Firefox promises to provide faster web browsing experience, the memory management system is much better.

Mozilla Firefox 7 promised to change the stigma that Firefox is consuming a lot of memory resources. Mozilla Firefox 7 is noticeably faster in several ways, including during startup, open a tab, and open the content of websites that use HTML5. Mozilla Firefox is able to reduce memory usage by 50 percent, which results a faster performance and reduce the risk of crashes.

This will be helpful to internet users who like to open multiple tabs within a very long time browsing. In addition to optimization memory usage, at 7 Mozilla Firefox add some very useful new tools for developers to create a website, which includes the latest version of the canvas that speed up the animation and gaming technology with HTML 5. Firefox 7 also has supported the W3C spec timings navigation API that web developers can use to measure pageLoad and navigate to the speed of bandwidth, data traffic and other factors.

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